Box 4
Contains 157 Results:
Telegram from S.C. Mead to Mabel H. Lazear, June 22, 1922
Mead informs Mabel Lazear that items for the continuation of her annuity have passed both the House and the Senate.
Letter from Mabel H. Lazear to S.C. Mead, June 26, 1922
Mabel Lazear expresses gratitude for what the Merchants' Association of New York has done for her.
Letter from William S. Thayer to Mabel H. Lazear, July 14, 1922
Thayer offers Mabel Lazear his assistance if ever she needs it.
Letter from J.O. Gawne to William Houston Lazear, April 13, 1926
Gawne offers to send copies of letters to William Lazear that pay tribute to his father.
Lazear family genealogy, by Jeannette Dean-Throckmorton, circa 1926
This is a Lazear family genealogy prepared by Jeannette Dean-Throckmorton, a member of the Lazear family.
Biographical notes on Jesse W. Lazear, circa 1926
These notes concern the life of Lazear.
Letter from William S. Thayer to Mabel H. Lazear, April 19, 1926
Thayer makes reference to Carter's experiments and their influence on Lazear. Thayer inquires if Lazear discussed his theories with her.
Letter from William S. Thayer to Mabel H. Lazear, May 31, 1926
Thayer thanks her for the extracts of letters she sent, which confirmed that the Yellow Fever Commission initially pursued the Sanarelli hypothesis.
Letter from Aristides Agramonte to Mabel H. Lazear, July 15, 1930
Agramonte reports that Columbia University plans an unveiling of a memorial plaque in honor of Lazear.
Letter from Aristides Agramonte to Mabel H. Lazear, August 23, 1930
Agramonte writes that he believes Lazear deserves more credit for his work with the Yellow Fever Commission.
Letter from Frederick T. van Beuren, Jr., to Mabel H. Lazear, November 15, 1930
Van Beuren requests a photograph of Lazear to use in creating a bas-relief portrait for a memorial.
Letter from Frederick T. van Beuren, Jr., to Mabel H. Lazear, December 13, 1930
Van Beuren thanks Mabel Lazear for trying to find photograph of Lazear.
Letter from T.H. Dougherty, Jr., to Mabel H. Lazear, December 14, 1935
The Franklin Institute requests permission to broadcast a drama based on the yellow fever experiments.
Letter from Harper Peddicord to Mabel H. Lazear, December 20, 1935
Peddicord requests information to write an article about the life of Jesse Lazear.
Letter from Mabel H. Lazear to Harper Peddicord, circa 1935
Mabel Lazear apologizes for not being able to send any of her papers to Peddicord.
Letter from Amory H. Hutchinson to Mabel H. Lazear, January 6, 1936
Hutchinson describes the play she has written, based upon the work of the Yellow Fever Commission.
Letter from Amory H. Hutchinson to Mabel H. Lazear, February 9, 1936
Hutchinson reports that her script for the play appears to be rejected. She asks for cooperation in writing a book about Lazear.