MSS 04-2, Box 14
Contains 9 Results:
1.7 Procedural Rules (d - Final Reports), 1993 - 1995
1.8 Staffing of the Tribunal, 1993 - 1996
1.9 State Dept. Briefings, 1996
Contains handwritten notes, looseleaf pages,
1.10 Podgers Interview, 1995 - 1996
Contains post-its, notes, markings
1.11 CBC - MacQuarrie, n.d.
Handwritten message
1.12 Coalition for International Justice, 1996
Contains handwritten looseleaf notes
2.1 Task Force Report
Contains post-it note "Master Copy" &,amp, Monroe Leigh signature
2. 2 Successive Drafts (a) - Proposed Final Draft, 21 June 1993
Contains post-it notes, handwritten edits, flags
2. 2 Successive Drafts (b) - Proposed Final Draft t, 21 June 1993
Contains memo correspondence, handwritten notes, edits