Box MSS 82-6, Box 9
Contains 22 Results:
Computer Study of C. 2 Issues and States’ Views, n. d.
C. 2: Article by article list of proceedings, 1976, Mar.
International Ocean Institute: Statement by Arvid Pardo and highlights of discussion by Planning Council, 1976
[XI] 1974; A/Conf. 62/C. 3/L. 1-34, 1974
[X] 1978-1980; C. 3/MSR/1-3, 5-9, /Add. 1 [missing], 1978-1980
[X] 1978, Apr. 27; C. 3/TT/1 [Development and Transfer of Marine Technology], Pakistan, New Article 295 bis, 1978, Apr. 27
[X] 1978-1979; C. 3/MP/1-24, 27-31 [Protection and preservation of marine environment], 1978-1979
C. 3/CRP/MP [marine pollution], 1975
[X] 1975; C. 3/CRP/Sc. Res [marine scientific research]
C. 3/Rep 1: Report by the Chairman of the Third Committee Ambassador A. Yankov (Bulgaria), 1978, Sep. 13
C. 3 Miscellaneous Documents, n.d.
A/CONF.62/C. III/L.1-34: The Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area; Brazil, Ecuador, Egypt, Iran, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia: draft articles on the development and transfer of technology. [Missing L.3 and L.11], 1974
Group of 21: Statement by Chairman Nandan and Text on Articles 58-60 for Consideration of Group, 1976
SD/1-4: Informal suggestions by the Netherlands and Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Note by the President on Conciliation Provisions in Part XV on the Settlement of Disputes, 1978-80
Settlement of Disputes Group: proposals, drafts, etc. including SD Gp/2nd Session/No. 1/Rev. 5, [Xii] 1974-1975
Informal Plenary on Settlement of Disputes: Informal Reference Notes. (Source?), 1976, Aug. – Sep.
WG 21/1 , 2, 2/Add.1, 3; 3/Add. 2, 3/Corr. 1, 4, 5. [First Committee Working Group 21: Informal Paper Concerning the Composition of the Council; Negotiations Relating to Production Policies; Suggesting a New Wording for Articles 6 and 7 of Annex II (Anti-dominant Position Clause). Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. VI, pp. 183-197], 1979
WG 21/Informal Papers 1-23. [First Committee Working Group 21. Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. VI, pp. 183-316], 1972-1982
(2 folders)