MSS 04-2, Box 36
Contains 7 Results:
Appointment as Legal Adviser to the State Department, 1973 - 75
Re: Legal Adviser Appointment, 1974 - 77
Contains correspondence, looseleaf notes, memos, documents with underlines, newspaper clippings, biographical and financial forms that are filled out by hand, confirmation hearing materials, campaign contribution information, hearing transcript, questions
Swearing In, 1975-01-21
Contains Press Release regarding appointment, numerous invitation lists, correspondence, speech, photograph of swearing in
Congratulatory Letters re: Appointment as Legal Advisor, Dec. 1974 - Jan. 1975
Congratulatory Letters re: Appointment as Legal Advisor, Feb. 1975 - July 1975
Consultant, 1977
Includes transfer of records itemized listing, memos, brochures, appointment papers, newspaper clippings, travel itineraries and receipts for a trip to Brussels, correspondence, looseleaf notes, First Semiannual Report by the President to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Report submitted to the Committee on International Relations - December 1976, Report of the Study Mission and Cooperation in Europe - Washington, DC - December 2, 1976
Departure, 1977
Includes earnings and leave statement, correspondence ,memos, contacts card, inventory of boxes sent to Steptoe & Johnson, photocopies of newspaper articles, notice of resignation