MSS 04-2, Box 7
Contains 36 Results:
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Draft letter re: Helms Senate hearings on ICC, 14 June 2000
Contains handwritten markup
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Press release and materials re: Helms position on Americans and the UN Court, 14 June 2000
contains: press release "Helms, GOP Offer Bill to Protect Ameircans From Prosecution by UN Court", Statement by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms Hearing on "The American Servicemen's Protection Act", newspaper photocopies about hearing, letter from Helms to Louis Freeh (Dir, FBI) re: US officials traveling abroad
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Senate Bill S. 2726 106th Congress 2d Session, 14 June 2000
Contains handwritten markup
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Summary of the "American Servicemen's Protection Act" of 2000, 2000
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Memo to Monroe Leigh from Lee Caplin re: Legislative History of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement Indicating the Application of a Distinct Legal Regime in Time of War, 8 July 1999
Contains highlighting
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Fax from Robinson Everett to Monroe Leigh re: "American Servicemembers and the ICC" (document markup), 20 June 2000
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Photocopy "Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces" signed 4 April 1949, [1949]
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Testimonies from Jeremy Rabkin and Ruth Wegwood re: The ICC and the American Servicemen's Protection Act, 14 June 2000
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Emails to re: ICC Legislation, 14 - 19 June 2000
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Email from Jeffrey Pryce to Monroe Leigh re: FW: article, 13 June 2000
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Excerpt from email: "Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions" on S. 2726, 15 June 2000
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Photocopy "Committee on Foreign Relations", Senate, 1999 Congressional Staff Directory, 1999
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Press releases from Human Rights Watch re: ICC, June 2000
1. "Helms 'Losing the Battle' on International Court", 2. "'Scare Tactics' on International Court Denounced"
War Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Fax from Monroe Leigh to Louis Henkin re: Outline of Compromise on the ICC, 15 June 2000
Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Email from Lean Browning to re: W. Pace - Paris Meeting on Victims' Access, 5 May 1999
Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Press release from Human Rights Watch "Stop threatening international court, U.S. officials told", July 1998
Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Statement of John R. Bolton before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, on the International Criminal Court, 23 July 1998
also contains a brief bio from American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Handwritten notes re: SFR Committee hearing, 1998
Section of International Law ,amp, Practice: Draft Rules of Procedure and Evidence for the International Criminal Court, 10 February 1999
Contains signature, tagged page, and handwritten edits in booklet