MSS 04-2, Box 6
Contains 7 Results:
War Crimes Working Group FSIA: Memoranda re: Amendments, 1995, 2000
1. Mark S. Said correspondence, June 1, 1995 (contains business card), 2. Re: ILA, European Convention on State Immunity and FSIA., November 13, 2000, 3. Re: Proposed Amendments to FSIA, October 17, 2000 (contains markup)
War Crimes Working Group FSIA: Reports from the Working Group, 2000
1. Section Reports with Receommendations, Council Summary (contains inserts), 2. Draft Recommendation and Report on the US Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, 2000 (contains Monroe Leigh signature)
War Crimes Working Group FSIA: Historical Cases and Precedence, [1789] 1984
Many photocopies, Contains post-it notes, handwritten notes, underlines
War Crimes San Diego Meeting: Correspondence, January - March, 2001
Handwritten notes in blue ink, Correspondent's include Monroe Leigh, William Reece Smith, Jr., Andrew Goodpasture, William Hannay, Brooksley Born, Leigh Middleditch, Jr., Mary Hoinkes, Diane Wood, Martha Barnett, Jerome Shestack, James Silkenat, Elizabeth Parker, David Stoelting, Keithe Nelson, Jennifer Dabson, Robert MacCrateLori Damrosch
War Crimes San Diego Meeting: Documents, November 2000 - March 2001
Contains post-its and handwritten markup, 1. ABA Section of International Law and Practice Recommendation, 2. European Parliament Texts Adopted at the sitting of Thursday 18 January 2001, 3. Resolution of Section of Criminal Justice on ISS (Dec 21, 2000), 4. Report with Recommendation re: this country's becoming a part to the Rome Treaty to establish the ICC
War Crimes San Diego Meeting: Congressional Correspondence ,amp, Remarks, January - March 2001
War Crimes San Diego Meeting: Press opinion and articles, Dec 2000 - February 2001
Contains some notes, 1. Washington Times "Proposed international court will protect civil liberties" Dec 30, 2000, 2. Washington Times "International court pressures and perils" Dec 26, 2000, 3. Washington Post "Powell Reverses Albright Choice of Judge" Feb 4, 2001, 4. Letter to Martha Barnett re: two previous Washington Times articles and "The United States and the Statute of Rome article in The American Journal of International Law" (Vol. 95, 2001)