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Box MSS 2015-04, Box 9


Contains 5 Results:

JLARC – VHHA – DMHMRSAS – VACSB [Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission of the Virginia General Assembly, Virginia Hospital and Health Care Association, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, Virginia Association of Communities Services Board] – Behavioral Health Task Force Training – manual, recommendations, 1995

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 9
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 1995

Jef's Law [An Act to amend and reenact §37-.1 of the Code of Virginia, relating to involuntary temporary detention] – memoranda, correspondence, notes, newspaper article. SB 608 Mental Health, involuntary temporary detention; Procedural Expectations for Preadmission Screening Evaluations – Revised Memorandum (12 March 1998) [See also: TDO Richmond case], 1997-1998

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 9
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 1997-1998

Medical Screening – memoranda, drafts, working papers. Behavioral Health Task Force Work Group Status Report Pertaining to Investigating Physician/CSB Pre-screener Disagreements (21 April 1998); DMHMRSAS: Medical Clearance and Admission to Mental Health Facility (19 February 2001); Guidelines for Medical Screening & Assessment (2002); Examination of Admissions with Significant Medical/Surgical Conditions; Draft Proposals for Addressing Medical Screening (2005); Departmental Instructions No. 101(TX)96 Medical Screening of Individuals Referred for Admission to DMHMRSAS Hospitals and Training Centers (formerly DI 131), 1998-2002, 2005

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 9
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: Majority of material found in 1998-2002, 2005

Medical Screening – memoranda, correspondence, drafts, printed materials. Summary of EMTALA’s Screening, Stabilization and Transfer Requirements; Proposed Medical Screening Protocol drafts (2006); Medical Screening and Assessment Guidance Materials, Developed by VDMHMRSAS, Virginia Association of Community Services Boards, Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association, Virginia College of Emergency Physicians (13 March 2007), 2006-2007

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 9
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2006-2007