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Box MSS 2015-04, Box 6


Contains 14 Results:

General Assembly Digital Documents – Background on MOT – AOT for Del. Sickles (15 December 2004); Draft Civil Commitment Procedures Guidelines and Policy Suggestions for Review; Proposed Legislation: DMHMRSAS to be lead agency for suicide prevention; HB 1662 – DMHMRSAS Talking Points; HB 2037 DMHMRSAS Proposed Amendments; Talking Points re HB 2550 & HB 2551; DMHMRSAS Talking Points for Suicide Prevention Legislation SB 889 & HB 2796 (2005) [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez], 2005

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2005

General Assembly – documents related to HB 899 Temporary detention process, transportation by sheriffs; HB 353: Mental health; transportation of individuals to be admitted; HB 352: Mental health, emergency custody and temporary detention orders, recommendations; HB 173: Medical and health services to minors, notification to parents, 2006

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2006

General Assembly Digital Documents – 2006 Blank LAS Form; Analysis of SB 309; Involuntary Outpatient Commitment (Mandatory Outpatient Treatment - Assisted Outpatient Treatment), MHMRSAS Briefing and Recommendation (26 July 2006); Involuntary Outpatient Commitment (Mandatory Outpatient Treatment - Assisted Outpatient Treatment) (with reference to SB 18 and SB 309) (July 2006); Briefing Paper: Involuntary Outpatient Commitment, Mandatory Outpatient Treatment & Assisted Outpatient Treatment with reference to Senate Bills 18 and 309, Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (8 September 2006); Brief History of MOT-AOT in Virginia: Brief History of “Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Legislation in Virginia (3 versions); Budget Bill Amendments for Med Screening and Assessment (11 January 2006); DMHMRSAS Comments re HB 352 and HB 353 (16 January 2006); DMHMRSAS Proposed Amendment to HB 352 (11 January 2006); Draft Budget Bill Amendments for Med Screening and Assessment: Proposed Appropriations Act Amendments to Support Medical Screening and Assessment (14 December 2005); Final ICAA [Interagency Civil Admissions Advisory Council] Recommendations: Attachment A, Interagency Civil Admissions Advisory Council Final Recommendations (12 December 2005); HB 43 notes; HB 173 – DMHMRSAS Talking Points (17 January 2006); Initial Med Screening and Assessment Proposal 928 November 2006); Med Screening # 3 12 5-05: Draft Proposal For Medical Screening and Assessment (28 November 2005); MOT-AOT Summary Bullets (7 July 2006): Mandatory Outpatient Treatment – Assisted Outpatient Treatment Summary of MOT-AOT Issues; MOT-AOT Summary Bullets Mandatory Outpatient Treatment – Assisted Outpatient Treatment Summary of MOT-AOT Issues (9 January 2006); Notes from Kendra’s Law final report (March 2005); SB 18 analysis; SB 18 Talking Points (19 January 2006) [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez], 2006

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2006

General Assembly – documents related to SB 890: Involuntary mental health commitment, emergency custody orders; DMHMRSAS proposed amendments to SB 890; SB 741: Involuntary commitment hearings; law students may represent petitioner without practicing attorney; HB 2036 Involuntary admission hearings, examination providers; SB 1052: Emergency custody order, issuance and execution; HB 2955 re temporary detention orders; HB 3186: Access to firearms, civil liability; HB 2811: Possession of firearms in residences of mentally ill persons; SB 1388: Mental health courts, pilot program; SB 981: re involuntary commitment, 2007

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2007

General Assembly Digital Documents: 2008 LAS Form; Amendments for SB 246; Briefing on Civil Commitment Process/Criteria; DMHMRSAS comments/amendments re MH Bills now in House Appropriations (1 February 2008); Comprehensive Comparison by Topic of Governor's Mental Health Law Reform Legislation and Related Bills (9 January 2008) [many incoming bills not reflected here]; Coordinating Mental Health Reform – Discussion (2 April 2008); Coordinating Mental Health Reform – Discussion (draft); Involuntary Commitment Criteria – Possible Discussion Points (26 February 2008); DMHMRSAS questions for HHR guidance (16 January 2008); DMHMRSAS Recommendations Edwards (January 2008); ER MDs petition for TDO; HB 499 (sub) added CSB time; Hearing Outcome Data (draft); House MH Bills in Senate (JMM rev1) (2); House MH Bills (JMM rev 1); House Substitute for Senate Substitute for SB 246 [presented to House MH Subcommittee (20 February 2008); ICAAC enabling statute (28 December 2007); ICAAC Legislation Heidi's draft; JMM Comments re new #8522 (received from Ruth Anne Saturday (29 December 2007); Mental Health Reform – What Does [this bill] Do?; Mental Health Reforms – What Did These Bills Do?; Notes on SB 246 (House Sub ) 2-26-08; SB 177 pilot: Cost Projections for SB 177 (Kendra's Law) Pilot (5 March 2008); HB 499 (Hamilton) and SB 246 (Howell and Lucas) Introduced Bills, Amendments by Section; Senate Substitute for House Bill 499 [reported from Senate Courts Committee 2/25]; Governor's Bill relative to Commission bill(s) in same areas (3 January 2008); Things that are in Commission MOT bills that are not in the Governor's bill; VT Panel and CMHLR [Commission Mental Health Reform] Recommendations (17 December 2007), 2008

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2008

General Assembly Digital Documents – 2009 LAS Form [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez], 2009

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2009

General Assembly – Special Collection didn't received documents, 2010 -2011

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2010 -2011

General Assembly Digital Documents – 2012 LAS Form; Amendment form; DBHDS Recommended Amendments to HB 476 (27 January 2012); HB 475 [TP] Amendments to §37.2-817 regarding mandatory outpatient treatment (MOT); HB 476 Amend 1-20; HP 476 TP; HB 1010 TP # 2 – DBHDS Concerns (18 January 2012); HB 1010 TP: Amendments; SB 585- HB 1280 – DBHDS Analysis; SB 585 DBHDS FIS draft: Department of Planning and Budget 2012 Fiscal Impact Statement [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez], 2012

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2012

General Assembly Digital Documents – Summary of SB 1323, 2013

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2013

General Assembly Digital Documents - 2014 Bill List (JMM) (28 January 2014); CSB Preadmission Screening Curriculum: Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) Curriculum for Community Services Board Evaluators and Preadmission Screeners, DBHDS Required Certification Training Modules; FIS SB 424 (24 January 2014): Department of Planning and Budget 2014 Fiscal Impact Statement; House Courts Actions on Bills from MH Subcommittee (3 February 2014); House MH Sub 29 January 2014: Bills from House Courts MH Sub for Full Courts (3 February 2014), (Categories 1-4 directly relevant to November 19th tragedy); Item 308 #2h Health and Human Resources, Grants to Localities Language; Length of Time Locating an Adult Psychiatric Bed; MOT Flowchart; MOT Orders Issued in Virginia, by Fiscal Year, by Type (Source: Supreme Court of Virginia); Paragraph E HB 1172 – SB 260; SB 439 (Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Clarifications – DBHDS Agency Bill); Substitute for 37.2-809.1 Facility of temporary detention. [See: lib_law_archive( \\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez], 2014

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2014

General Assembly Digital Documents - SB 1410 DBHDS proposed amendments; Legis Proposal 2015 (draft): Instructions, Preparation and Submission of Agency Legislative Proposals for the 2015 Session (July 2014); DBHDS Talking Points and Proposed Amendments to SB 1410; 2015 LAS Form; Background on HB 1694 & SB 966; Proposed amendment to § 16.1-340.1:1 (minors) and § 37.2-809.1 (adults); Background on HB 1694 & SB 966 [See: lib_law_archive (\\ (Y:) Collections MSS Martinez], 2015

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The James M. Martinez collection is comprised of his professional papers related to mental health issues in Virginia as part of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and as advisor to the Commission on Mental Health Reform.

Researchers interested in these files should also see Professor Bonnie files on the Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Dates: 2015

Governor's Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response – working papers of several workgroup meetings on January 7, January 24, January 28, March 19, March 23, April 10, May 21, July 15, August 11, 2014. Agendas, presentations, recommendations, email correspondence and memoranda, some newspaper clippings. Includes G. Douglas Bevelacqua presentation (7 January 2014); Virginia's Publicly-Funded Behavioral Health Services System by James W. Stewart III; Virginia's Civil Commitment Process by Allyson K. Tysinger; The Impact of the Mental Health Crisis on Law Enforcement by Diana Schrad (Recommendations); Virginia's Hospital & Healthcare Association: Comments Submitted to the Governor's Task Force on Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (21 January 2014); Review of Incident Following Emergency Custody Order (ECO) Report (19 December 2013); Public Comment to the Governor's Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (27 January 2014); The Virginia Acute Psychiatric and CSB Bed Registry Initiative Update ; Mental Health Task Force Recommendations (28 January 2014); Recommendations Technical Infrastructure and Data Workgroup (19 March 2014); Office of the State Inspector General's Address to the Task Force: “Critical Incident Investigation, Bath County, Virginia, November 2013”; DBHDS [Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services]: “Update Protocols, Bed registry and Other Items (10 April 2014); Office of the Attorney General: “2014 Legislative Changes to Virginia's Civil Commitment Laws” (April 2014); Recommendations (19 March 2014); Public Comment to the Governor's Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (10 April 2014); Commonwealth of Virginia, Office of Governor Terry McAuliffe, Executive Order Number Twelve (2014), Continuing the Governor's Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response; Segal, Emily: “The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model for Law Enforcement: Creative Considerations for Enhancing University Campus Police Response to Mental Health Crisis on Campus”; Taskforce Recommendations (16 June 2014); Public Comment to the Governor's Task Force on Improving Mental Health Services and Crisis Response (11 August 2014), 2014

 File — Box: MSS 2015-04, Box 6