Box 8
Contains 11 Results:
HIV/AIDS informational handouts for teens (Addition 22) 2023-0178, 1988-1991
"A Report of a Conference on Day Care and the Working Mother" pamphlet from the Morris Child Development Center Detroit, Michigan (Addition 23) 2023-0179, 1972
This addition (23) contains a three-fold pamphlet titled, "A Report of a Conference on Day Care and the Working Mother" for the Morris Child Development Center: State of Michigan Pilot program.
Advertising pamphlets for child products (toothpaste, rennet powder, milk) (Addition 16) 2023-0143, 1924-1943
Addition 16 of MSS 16758, The University of Virginia Collection on the History of Childhood, Parenting, and Family Building, contains three advertising pamphlets that pertain to parents purchasing products for their children. "The Tinies that Live in a Tube" advertises toothpaste, "Flibitty Jibblit" advertises rennet powder, and "The New Boss in the House" promotes the Pittsburgh District Dairy Council. Each uses imagery of children and parents utilizing the respective product.
Salvation Army "Help the Children" flyer (Addition 20) 2023-0169, 1903-1904
Childhood Education and Parenting advertising pamphlets (Addition 21) 2023-0172, 1906-1930
"Davis Home for Colored Children" Booklet and Advertisements for other African American businesses (Addition 24) 2023-0183, 1941
Pamphlets on parenting, child development, sex education, public health, and care of pregnant women in prison (Addition 25) 2023-0184, 1915-1980
Addition 25 of MSS 16758 The University of Virginia Collection on the History of Childhood, Parenting, and Family Building contains twenty-five printed ephemera, including pamphlets and advertising on topics include parenting, child development, sex education, public health, and care of pregnant inmates.
40 posters from the Hope of a Nation Poster Series
Feeding the majority of bottle babies.Mead Johnson & Co. of Canada, Ltd.
"What every teenager ought to know" by Abigail Van Buren and other pamphlets on health for young people and children (Addition 18) 2023-0154, 1922-1979
Nursery rhyme pamphlets about space and science including one owned by University Psychology professor Arthur Schulman and a pamphlet about weight loss using the Kryon method (Addition 17) 2023-0153, 1926-1956
Pamphlet "Tennessee Industrial School for the Benefit of Orphan, Helpless and Wayward Children, Nashville, Tenn." (Addition 19) 2023-0155, 1887
Addition 19 of MSS 16758,The University of Virginia Collection on the History of Childhood, Parenting, and Family Building, contains one pamphlet: "Tennessee Industrial School for the Benefit of Orphan, Helpless and Wayward Children, Nashville, Tenn."
Pamphlets on early learning, education, adolescence, growth and development, health, prenatal and Infant care, and parenting. Addition 25a. 2023-0193, 1872-1967
This addition to MSS 16758, History of Childhood, Parenting, and Family Building Collection (University of Virginia), contains 23 pamphlets on early learning, education, adolescence, growth and development, health, prenatal and Infant care, and parenting.