Box 95
Contains 26 Results:
"It's the best we can do just now, General - believe me, we're pushing hard for the draft law, but…", 1971-09-14
United States Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird comforts a crying Army general, telling him they are pushing hard for the draft law. Behind him appear several disheveled army soldiers.
Ireland, 1971-09-16
A Catholic priest and a Protestant minister pray over a coffin labeled "Ireland."
"There I was, watering the lawn, see…", 1971-09-19
A man in shorts and a floral shirt stands in his yard holding a water hose. The water coming out of the hose is frozen and the ground is covered in snow.
"For the Supreme Court we'll need a liberally conservative white, pro-integration, anti-busing, southern woman who looks good to minority groups!", 1971-09-21
United States President Richard Nixon stands with a group of men planning his 1972 presidential campaign. They discuss the qualities needed for a Supreme Court nominee.
"By all the indications I think we can now get rid of these ridiculous little red books!", 1971-09-24
Two road workers in China toss away their little red books, also known as Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong. One of the books lands at the feet of Chairman of the Communist Party Mao Zedong himself.
"I know, I know…you love me!", 1971-09-25
President of the Republic of Vietnam Nguyễn Văn Thiệu stands on a balcony surrounded by flames.
"Take it off! Take it off!!", 1971-09-28
A group of men labeled "major industrial nations," cheer on United States mascot Uncle Sam as he removes all his clothes. He stands naked, holding up a small towel labeled "import surtax."
"Oh, it’s you – we thought you were dead!", 1971-10-01
The Grim Reaper stands at the door of the United States House of Representatives holding a document that reads, "Senate approves Mansfield demand for end to Vietnam War."
"It's beautiful - and how do we use it without also blowing ourselves off the map..?", 1971-10-06
A large weapon labeled "Israeli Nuclear Capability?" points at an Arab man. Behind it, a soldier asks a scientist how they will use it without blowing themselves off the map.
"United Nations Quite Please - Pakistan Debate in Session", 1971-10-08
A woman and child from East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, are shushed by a United Nations official.
"I'll need your help on this one!", 1971-10-09
United States President Richard Nixon holds a pickaxe and clings to the underside of a cliff. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) President George Meany is dangling from Nixon's belt by a rope, with his arms crossed.
[Nixon dreams], 1971-10-13
United States President Richard Nixon sleeps, dreaming of four people in football uniforms representing the women's liberation movement, civil rights groups, the American Bar Association, and the Byrd nomination.
"We lost Finchley and Smith today - they talked back!", 1971-10-13
Two agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation tip toe past the office of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, holding their shoes. Outside of Hoover's office are two human skeletons, along with black hats and an FBI badge.
"The pay board will now come to order", 1971-10-14
United States President Richard Nixon, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) President George Meany, and Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally are represented as one large man with three heads.
"However, under the circumstances, I don't have much alternative…", 1971-10-17
Prime Minister of Israel Gola Meir rides on the back on Uncle Sam, representing the United States. Uncle Sams has a missile in each hand, and they are heading toward more missiles labeled "Russian Arms for Egypt."
"Officer, tell me very quietly…who won the pennant?", 1971-10-19
An inmate in a crowded jail cell at Pittsburgh prison asks a police officer who won the pennant.
"Chou, old man, we're inviting you to the U.N.!", 1971-10-20
United States President Richard Nixon invites Premier of the People's Republic of China Zhou Enlai to the United Nations. Enlai's facial expression does not change.
"More rocks, quick!", 1971-10-21
The Vietnam War is represented as a giant holding a mace, while thre anti-war United States Sentors prepare to shoot rocks at it using a slingshot.
Powell & Rehnquist, 1971-10-21
United States President Richard Nixon hides behind the presidential podium. His shirt is tied to a pole and has the words "Powell & Rehnquist" on it. He waves it like a white flag.
"…And in conclusion, I want to thank you all for providing me with a much-needed political issue!", 1971-10-25
United States Senator Ted Kennedy stands on a box while men fight all around him. He holds a document that reads, "Kennedy remarks in favor of Irish Republican Army" (IRA).