Box 1
Contains 42 Results:
"El Dios y Elrey", 1954
"Herrera Y Reissig", 1924
"Herrera Y Reissig" is an original holograph manuscript by Jorges Luis Borges about the Uruguayan Symbolist poet Julio Herra Y Reissig. 3 leaves titled and signed. It was published in the September 1924 issue of Inicial and then republished in in Borge's book Inquisiciones in [1925]. No other manuscript is known.
"Soneto para un Tango en la Nochecita", 1926
"La Cábala" , [1930]
Holograph manuscript,"La Cábala" (The Kabbalah), by Jorge Luis Borges, unpublished, in black ink on both sides of 2 leaves of gridded spiral notebook paper, numbered by Borges. There is a small hole at the front of the leaf, and a few ink blots.
Lengthy discussion by Borges on the Cabala significantly reflects and complements Borges original text of this essay (La Cabala 1943). It contains rare glimpses of his research sources and notes for his subject.
"Los Espejos Velados", 1936
Holograph manuscript "The Observant Mirrors" by Jorge Luis Borges signed in black ink on a blank endleaf from an unidentified book. It is about a fantasy and is published in the very rare journal Destiempo (no. 1 October 1936). It shows an early instance of Borges fascination and horror of mirrors which pervades his writings.
Prologue to "Mester de Juderia", 1940
Holograph manuscript by Jorge Luis Borges, Prologue to Carlos Grunberg's book "Mester de Juderia", titled and signed by Borges, in black ink on 3 leaves of gridded and 2 leaves of unlined paper, each leaf numbered by Borges.
It is an expansive text that exceeds the bounds of a prologue, being more of a political-literary essay which is unusual for Borges. It condemns European antisemitism and its Argentine "facsimile" [sic].
"El Milagro Secreto", [1942]
"Nota Sobre La Paz", 1945
"De Alguien a Nadie", [1950]
"La Biblioteca Total", 1939
Shakespeare Birthday lecture, 1976 April 23
Includes video
Autograph manuscript "Villa Mazzini", 1923
"S.S" poem, 1959
"S.S." published in 1960 in "El hacedor" under the title "Susana Soca." With the poem is a letter from Borges, 1959 January, Buenos Aires, in the hand of Arevedo de Borges, to the mother of Susana Soca, expressing his sympathy on her daughter's death.
Jorge Luis Borges letter to Ernest T. Manfred, October 4, 1962
The note, written in English by Borges's mother and signed by him, thanks Manfred for his comments on "Labyrinth."
Jorge Luis Borges letter to Mr. Cohen, July 15, 1963
The letter is in the hand of Borges's mother and thanks Cohen for a letter in praise of him, comments that his failing sight has slowed his work, and wishes Cohen well.
Typed manuscript, "The Mirror and the Mask", 1977
Unpublished manuscript in English.
Autographed manuscript, signed, "La Fundación Mitológica de Buenos Aires", undated
Subtitled: "(imaginada con ninguna imaginación por J.L. Borges)." Text differs from published version in Cuaderno San Martín.
Essay on Flaubert|, 1924-1955
Portions appeared in Flaubert y su destino ejemplar and Vindicación de "Bouvard et Pecuchet." The last three pages were dictated to his mother, Dona Leonor Acevedo, and are in her hand.
Manuscript Short story, "La Casa de Asterión" and a letter from Julio Cortazar to Jorge Luis Borges, 1946
A letter to Borges from Julio Cortázar concerns this story and his own fondness for Asterión.Collection includes Borges's short story, "La casa de Asterión" published in "Los Anales de Buenos Aires Ano II" and later in "El Aleph." Contains numerous textual corrections and variants from printed versions.
Jorge Luis Borges letters to his friend the writer Carlos Mastronardi., 1920's
The collection consists of five letters of Borges, some of which appear to be to his friend the writer Carlos Mastronardi. They contain detailed references to his third book of poems "Cuaderno San Martín." An unpublished poem "Carta Deshilvanada" is included in one of the letters.