Showing Collections: 701 - 720 of 969
Rotunda photograph
Rotunda photograph, circa 1875, 0.03 cubic feet, carte-de-visite photograph of the south facade of the Rotunda, printed on verso of mount: J. D. Merritt Practical Photographer (at Frayzer's old stand)Charlottesville Virginia.
Route 250 Bypass Interchange at McIntire Road Project, Charlottesville, Virginia, Documentation Packets
Harriet S. Rowley commonplace books
Dr. Agnes Maude Royden letter to Mrs. Bird
S. B. Rubbell autograph album
Dan Rupp letter to John J. Rupp
Dan Rupp autograph letter on Hotel Vonderbank stationery signed December 11,1889 from New Orleans, Louisiana to his parents (John J. Rupp) in New York City, describing the funeral of Jefferson Davis. He mentions an African American band leading Confederate veterans. He describes Jefferson Davis as a rebel and a man without a country. He also describes the funeral as lacking in comparison to General Grant's funeral.
Charles Francis Russell tobacco ledgers
Margaret Ann N. Russell commonplace book
Women's commonplace album with about 20 pages of inscriptions, sentiments, and verse, hand-written with signatures or initials and date.
Mary M. Russell album
This collection contains a commonplace book of Mary M. Russell. The first entry, signed "Mortimer," and dated Rose Mont, August 7, 1844," is a kind of paean to "The Album" itself. Book includes engraved images, verses, drawings, and handwritten entries with place names, including Virginia, Washington, and Maryland. Laid in hand-lettered piece of music, "We no more," addressed to Miss Mary Russell.
Mary M. Russell Ladies friendship album
Mary M. Russell Ladies friendship album, [1850], Rockville, Maryland,0.03 cubic feet, in original red boards, gilt fauna design on front, and all edges gilt. Included are several engravings.
Charles A. Rutledge letters
Charles A. Rutledge letters (1856-1865), 0.03 cubic feet, written while he was a student at Bel Air Academy in Maryland, the University of Virginia, and while he was serving in the Confederate Army.
Paul T. Ruxin collection of James Boswell, Samuel Johnson, and their Circle collection
Frances S. S. and Lauren Virginia Pratt newsletter Ladies Wreath magazine
Sadie commonplace book
Charles B. J. F. de Saint-Memin, portraits of St. George Tucker and Thomas Tudor Tucker
MSS 16366, Charles B. J. F. de Saint-Memin portraits of St. George Tucker and Thomas Tudor Tucker which are described as two circular portraits: egraved portrait of Thomas Tudor Tucker, and a salted paper print [photograph?] of an engraved portrait of St. George Tucker.
Sale of slaves and land announcement
Sale of slaves and land announcement, 1821 September 17, 0.03 cubic feet, announcing the sale of "5 or 6 likely slaves" and "162 acres at the head waters of the Hardware River, North Garden" by Nthaniel Garland, executor of the estate of Edward Garland. "Land and Negroes for sale."
Sally C. Wegner poetry manuscripts
The poetry manuscripts by Sally Calkins Wegner are for a class taught by Karl Shapiro at the University of California, while a visiting professor there, and most contain handwritten comments by Shapiro. Also present is a news clipping about Shapiro and his appearance for a reading at the University of Arizona, Tucson in 1966.