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Malinda Caperton album

 Collection — Box: BW 52, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSS 16769

Content Description

This collection contains a friendship album for Malinda "Lin" Caperton (1842-1922) of West Virginia. The album contains approximately thirty pages of autographs with dates throughout, 1855-1861. The autographs are almost certainly all from young girls, some noted as likely classmates from the Virginia Female Institute, although a lengthy two-page poem is more likely a male student at the University of Virginia.

Caperton was the daughter of Allen Taylor...
Caperton, 1810-1876, the American politician who was a United States Senator from West Virginia in 1875-1876. Malinda eventually married James French Patton, 1843-1882, an American lawyer, Confederate officer, and Democrat politician.

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  • Creation: 1855 - 1867

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research use.


0.03 Cubic Feet (1 letter folder)

Language of Materials


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