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Japanese Text Initiative Web Archive, 1998 - 2022


Scope and Contents

This archived website was a collaborative effort of the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center and the University of Pittsburgh East Asian Library to make texts of classical Japanese literature available on the World Wide Web. An important purpose is to make JTI texts in both Japanese and English searchable, both individually and as a group. The short term goal of this initiative was to “put online most or all of the Twenty Classical... Works in J. Thomas Rimer's A Reader's Guide to Japanese Literature, revised edition (New York: Kodansha, 1999).” Generally, the goal was to “add a wide range of pre-twentieth-century works.” The main audience according to the creators are English-speaking scholars and students.

Archive-It collection record: - the webpages as they were archived can viewed by clicking on the hyperlinked date-of-capture above the calendar.

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  • Creation: 1998 - 2022


Access Note for born-digital materials - Archived webpages

Archive-It can be difficult to navigate. Captured websites are not arranged or displayed in any particular order, and sub-pages from the same broader site may not be presented together. Not all pages within a site may have been captured. After clicking on the desired link from the list of websites, the webpages as they were archived can viewed by clicking on the hyperlinked date-of-capture above the calendar. Clicking the url hyperlink will navigate... out of the Archive-It website to the live webpage if it still exists.

Due to their nature, archived websites and webpages do not have the same search functionality as do live websites. Users cannot search for content within the scanned texts in the archived site.

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Conditions Governing Use

From the website: "We do not put on the Web copyrighted texts, unless we have permission from the copyright holders. With some exceptions, the texts of current scholarly editions of literature in English, French, German, Japanese, and other languages are not freely available for sites such as ours. As a result, we use texts without copyright constraints, such as editions for which copyright has expired. The texts and images in the Japanese Text Initiative... may not be downloaded or copied."

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0.397 Gigabytes

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

From the Collection: Japanese

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