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Physics Library records

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: ViU-2022-0028

Content Description

This addition to RG 12/9 (University Library/Science Libraries) contains reports, records, and documentation of the administrative operations, functions, and offerings of the physics department and library, along with materials on several other University libraries. The items include correspondence, notes, guidelines, and newsletters related to faculty research, course resources, library construction and renovations, collection management, circulation policies, staff procedures, and related library programs and services. The box contents are as follows: Box 1 (ca. 1978-2018) contains reports of yearly physics faculty activity and department research, and copies of A Brief History of the Physics Department of the University of Virginia 1922-1961 by Frederick L. Brown. Box 2 (ca. 1941-2005; bulk date, ca. 1990-2005) contains yearly reports of physics faculty activity, academic program department survey results, Herbert Jehle Scientific Papers Vols. I and II (2005), and Jae Shin Yun’s dissertation (1941), Newton’s Versus Natural Motion. Box 3 (ca. 1976-2013) contains correspondence, record files, and other documentation and notes on the administrative operations of the physics library, including employee and student worker hiring, library offerings and resources, and department and faculty support. This box also includes an incomplete run of LIBRA newsletters from September 1993 to February 1999. Box 4 (ca. 1970-2013) contains correspondence, record files, and other documentation and notes on the administrative operations of the physics library, including procedural and circulation guides, information on the faculty, students, and courses of the department, photographs of library spaces, materials, people, and construction. This box also includes A/V and born digital materials that include digital photos, an interview with Doris Wilsdorf, and physics research. Box 5 (ca. 1976-2020) contains correspondence, record files, annual reports, and other documentation and notes on the administrative operations and protocols, procedural guidelines, circulation information, project management plans, and site ratings and improvement goals of both the physics and science and engineering libraries, along with items on the history and faculty of the physics department and the Brown Endowment. Box 6 (ca. 1993-2015) contains correspondence, record files, annual reports, newsletters and other documentation and notes on the administrative operations, procedural guidelines, and project management plans of the University libraries and related programs, along with materials on construction and renovation plans, gifts, and awards. Box 7 (ca. 1976-2015) contains correspondence, record files, and other documentation and notes on the administrative operations, procedural guidelines, circulation policies, and planning recommendations of several University libraries, including science and engineering, math, chemistry, and physics, along with materials on construction and renovations plans. This box also contains information on department subjects and related course resources. The small flat file folder (ca. 2000s) contains a construction schematic of the new law building along with before and after photographs of the science and engineering library renovations.

Acquisition Type



Collection transferred by PJ Coleman, 18 August 2021.

Language of Description


Restrictions Apply


Access Restrictions

Original digital media (floppy disks, zip disks, thumb drives, born-digital files, etc.) and other media formats such as LPs, audiotapes, videotapes, films, CDs, and DVDs cannot be handled directly by patrons. Appointments must be made in advance to request these items held by Special Collections. In most cases, materials must be reformatted before they can be accessed, sometimes at the researcher’s expense. Please use our online reference request form ( to request access to these materials or to ask for further information.


  • Creation: circa 1941 - 2020
  • Creation: Majority of material found within circa 1970s - 2015


7.25 Cubic Feet (Seven cubic boxes and one small size flat file folder. )

5 items (4 optical disks , 1 51/4 floppy disk, and 1 vhs)

0.000027 Gigabytes (4 optical disks and 1 5.25 floppy)

Language of Materials



7 cubics and 1 oversize folder

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  • Materials removed from collection (LZL, 2/23/22) Discard Box 1: - Reserve ‘Next” Spring 2013 - Emily McClure - Lee, Jae Hee (Madison) - Somee Kang - Pal Anshuman - Xavier Scipio - Lee, Jin Sol - Margarita Ramos - Hong, Jung - Barie, Leigh - Luna, Elizabeth - Uli Zhieng Hu - Rachel Hodges - Lishan Mou - So, Adrienne - Harris, Tracey - Huang, Zhiheng (Uli) - Crowsey, Micah - Chiu, Alice - Wen Ren - Shafer, Jessica - Tyrone Guy Jean - Kamaren Suwijn - Tiffany Camp - Tarek Ishmail - Walt McGough - Vining, Kristen - Keith White - White, Keith - Nan Zhang - Jennifer Clinehens - Netterville, Andre - Andrew Guffey - Nwaebube, Sharon - Doughty, Hunter - Ashaboglu, Saide - Upasana Bhattacharya - Lee, Jae Hee (Madison) - Michal Ilewski - Carver, Michael H - Ashley Williams - Evan Reynolds - LC Class System – Q - EuCARD-AccNet-EuroLumi Workshop – The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider - European Organization for Nuclear Research Annual Report 2009 - CERN Annual Report 2015 - CERN Annual Report 201 - Libraries at the University of Virginia card c. 2003 - Large Catalogue - RCL Student Evals o Timothy Kang (tjk2n) o Adrian Santos (mas6au) o Benjamin Kim (bmk9e) o Orion DeShay (wld6w) o Isaac Bawuah (ikb4r) o Alex Radcliffe (atr3f) o Ashton Erler (aee6a) o Yiding Li - LSP Applicants - SLab Coordinator - LSP Hiring Committee - Reserves Manager - Requests (Patron info) - Personnel - Patron Requests - PACS – back-up copy - Online Search - Organizing - Open House Lit. - Overdue Patrons not Charged 2008 - Particle Data Group - Reference - Reference Tallies - REU - Rush Requests (from CAT.) Forms - Science Citation Index - Science/Sci. Amer. Reorder - Scientific American Offprint Series - Messenger Services/SDI and sci/tech dept. Clark Hall - SELQuestions ticket stub - Equipment manuals - Dissertations - Equipment request forms - Overdue notices - Fine ($) information - How to find resources Discard Box 2: - Reserves Fall 1985 – Fall 2012 o 60 folders - Research Computing Lab Business Cards - Discard Box 3: - Bibliography of photographic theory presented on punch cards – 8000 cards...allegedly - Folder title "Waiting for Godot" with SSN, staff performance plans) Box 4: - UMI order forms - Troubleshooting Information - Telephone listing - Toolkit - Training - Binding forms - Unnix - VSDP/Disability materials (2 folders) - Room 314 reservations - Forms - Shelf lists - SIRSI - Specs - Training docs - Signs- backups - SEL Search Committee (Candidates) - WIthdrawls - Reserves - Macro Express Box 5: - Journal subscriptions - ILL requests - Database printouts - Informational printouts (exhibitions, preservation basics) - Homework forms and exams - Appendices and indexes -