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National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Papers (NONPF)

Identifier: 2022-003

Scope and Contents

This collection is comprised of the papers of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). There are extensive records regarding political issues such as: Nursing Practitioners Insurance, Education, and Research. It deals with specific legislative bills and movements such as: Social Security Act, Nursing Shortage Reduction Act and Health Care Reform. This collection is strongly represented in its alliances with the Nurses Coalition for Legislative Action in legislative matters and the National Alliance of Nurse Practitioners in Insurance records. NONPF leadership is well represented by reports from various committees, minutes from the Board of Director’s meetings and correspondence between leadership in almost all of the boxes. The organization’s goals, constitution and by-laws can be found in box 1 with the policies and strategic plan. The business of the organization in this collection includes: financial records, certification of incorporation, investments and contracts. There are extensive papers in this collection regarding education and research such as: Advanced Nursing Practice: Nurse Practitioner Curriculum Guidelines, the Criteria for Evaluation for Nurse Practitioner Programs, Pharmacology Curriculum Guidelines, Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner Education Project, and the National Task Force on Quality Education. This collection contains individual as well as group membership directories, and program directories. NONPF oversight of competencies, standards and accreditation can be found in box 3. The last four boxes contain information about NONPF annual conferences, newsletters and publications.


  • Creation: Majority of material found in 1970s-1995

Biographical / Historical

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) first established curriculum guidelines for nurse practitioner education during 1976-1980. The first national meeting of nurse practitioner educators was called by Judy Watkins in 1974; twenty-four people (MDs and NP faculty) met at the University of North Carolina to discuss Nurse Practitioner Programs. From 1976 to 1980 the National Task Force for Family Nurse Practitioner Curriculum and Evaluation developed guidelines. Upon completion of the curriculum project, the task force members felt the need for continued dialogue on Nurse Practitioner education issues and the first organizational meeting of NONPF was held on April 10, 1980, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. NONPF has grown since to a strong organization representing over approximately 90% of all institutions in the US with Nurse Practitioner Programs, as well as, faculty from programs in Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries. The NONPF is a national organization committed to leadership in the development of education at regional national and international levels.


11.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials



NONPF promotes professionalization of nurse practitioner education. The papers contain organizational foundation documents as well as initial years of activities, both in terms of administration and public initiatives, including materials related to the National Alliance of Nurse Practitioners and the American College of Nurse Practitioners.


Box 1 deals with the leadership of the organization. It contains the history, the constitution and the by-laws with all the revisions and addendums added throughout the history. Drafts and correspondence of the strategic plans with the final report are in folder five. Minutes from board meetings and correspondence from leadership regarding meetings are well represented in folders seven and eight. The specific papers from Joanne Trollinger, FNP, RNC, MHS, who served as the secretary of NONPF in 1990, are in folder nine. She donated generously to the NONPF collection. The last two folders contain correspondence from organizational leadership regarding various committee reports.

Box 2 contains individual and group membership directories. NONPF business papers are well represented in folder two. Various reports regarding organizational matters and research are in folder three. Information and correspondence regarding awards can be found in folders three and four. Correspondence regarding the Workforce Policy Project, the task force, drafts and final report are in folders six and seven. Folder eight contains a collection of information and correspondence regarding collaboration between NONPF and various nursing organizations and associations.

Box 3 deals specifically with papers regarding certification and accreditation. The first two folders are comprised of reports on accreditation and correspondence regarding the reports. Folder three is the Accreditation Status Report from Sept. 1996. The next three folders contain a report from the Department of Education, “Addendum to the Staff Analysis of the Petition Submitted by the National League for Renewal of Recognition,” and the reactions and correspondence that report generated from the NONPF. The next two folders are various competency reports from the various Nurse Practitioner Organizations and an article, “A Delphi Study for master’s Level Curriculum Priorities, Chapter V, “Findings of the Study - Nurse Practitioner Competencies,” by Hanson, C. J. Published in Dissertation Abstracts International, book A, 1986. The last folder contains the minutes and correspondence from a meeting on Nurse Practitioner issues in 1995.

Box 4 contains the complete collection regarding the NONPF report, Criteria for Evaluation for Nurse Practitioner Programs, beginning with the correspondence and organization and including minutes from the task force, drafts, rewrites and their correspondence and resulting in the final report which is in folder eight.

Box 5 of the collection deals with specifically with educational issues. Most of this box contains reports, correspondence and guidelines developed by the NONFP Education Committee. Folder one contains curriculum analysis, role definition and objectives. Folder two contains core competencies and three are the papers of the Educational Committee on a report, Educational Standards for Nurse Practitioner. There are specific correspondence and reports for Advanced Primary Care Nursing Practice in folders four through seven. Folder eight contains the guidelines for Model Pharmacology Curriculum and folder nine, Women’s Health Care Project. The National Directory of Nurse Practitioner Programs, (1990 and 1992), are in folders ten and eleven.

Box 6 in the NONPF collection deals with Educational Issues. Folder one contains directories of nursing programs and their roles published by NAACOG and AMA. The next two folders are the meeting minutes, reports and correspondence of a National Task Force of Quality Education developed by NONPF. The last four folders are various surveys and questionnaires developed by NONPF and corresponding data and reports regarding the results.

Box 7: The first four folders deal specifically with papers regarding insurance issues, folder two contains press releases, notes and correspondence from the National Association of Nurse Practitioners, regarding insurance and folder three deals specifically with the American Nurses Association’s dealings with liability and insurance. The last four folders begin the NONPF collection’s papers regarding legislative issues. Folder five contain the legislative issues that NONPF and the American Nurses Association were concerned with from 1988- 1990. The next two folders begin this collections efforts to organize the NONPF legislative issues by years. In 1986 NONPF was concerned with Social Security Act, Federal Employees Health Care Access, Immigration Rules, Third Party Reimbursement, and Nurse Training Act. There are reports, testimonies and bills regarding insurance, the McGarran Ferguson Act, Medicare, Registered Care Technologies, and most specifically the nursing shortage.

Box 8 exclusively deals with legislative issues and it is organized by date. The first two folders contain public hearing reports, bills, correspondence and newsletters about such issues as McCarran- Ferguson Act, Family Medical Leave Act, Public Health Service and the Fair Labor Standards Act. In 1988, NONPF were involved on Capitol Hill with issues such as: Nursing Shortage, Nurse Education Reauthorization Act of 1988 and National Nurse Service Corps Act of 1988, Federal Employee Health Insurance Plan and AIDs. In 1989 it was: Nursing Shortage, Planned Parenthood, Social Security Act, Medicare Fee Schedule, Rural Health Clinic Improvement Act of 1989, and Bills 112, 115 and 126. From 1990 to 1991, it was: Medicare Fee Schedule, Controlled Substance Registration, and Reimbursement Reform. In 1993 and 1994, the NONPF organized their efforts to support issues such as: Health Care Reform and the Model Nursing Practice Act. Finally, in 1997, NONPF supported bills such as: Medicare, Education, Public Health Services Act, Title VII and Title VIII.

Box 9 in this collection contains all the papers of the NONPF Annual Conferences. They are organized by date, 1987 to 1997. Each year the conference had a different theme and was held in a specified location. All the conference papers basically contained: schedules, abstracts from research or poster sessions and business reports.

Box 10: The first four folders finish up the papers of the NONPF annual conferences from 1998-2000. They contain the schedule, session abstracts and poster presentations. Folder five presents the planning and correspondence that goes into organizing the annual conferences. Folders six, seven and eight contain the newsletters from not only the NONPF but also Nursing Organizations like the Connecticut Nurse Practitioner Group Inc., National Association of Nurse Practitioner in Family Planning. Folder nine is the extensive correspondence between the editor of The Nurse Practitioner Journal, and the NONPF leadership regarding partnership and objectives. Folders ten and eleven are brochures, pamphlets and booklets from the NONPF and affiliate nurse practitioner organizations. Folder twelve is a collection of articles about nursing and nursing practitioner from various publications.

Maureen Spokes, MLS
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the The Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry Repository

University of Virginia School of Nursing
P.O. Box 800782
Charlottesville Virginia 22908-0782 United States